Saturday, May 3, 2014

Modern Psychology: My Notes from McLean

These are some of my oveall notes from being at Harvard's McLean Hospital.

Notes on Not Getting Sick

Notes about avoiding a cold or getting sick from Jennifer Ackerman's book Achoo!.

Are Government's Determined by Happiness?

More sketch ideas. Are governments determined by the path to happiness? There seems to be a relationship between the type of government and the general well-being of the citizens. We tend to think that the government dictates the life of the citizens (capitalism leads to more freedom), but is it possible that the well-being of the citizens dictates which government they have (more freedom promotes capitalism)?

Many Paths to Happiness

More sketch ideas for Growing Happiness. There are many paths to happiness. Our personality seems to depend upon where we live and the state of the world around us. There are many paths to happiness, but they seem to share many characteristics.

Measuring Happiness: How do we do it?

More sketches and brainstorm for my book. How do we measure happiness in the world?

New Economics

Brainstorming sketches on explaining new economics versus old.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Becoming More Self-Aware: My Feelings

Increasing Self-Awareness

What can I do to become more self-aware? My notes from McLean, Buddhism, and Emotional IQ.

Links to Feelings