Friday, August 30, 2013

Basics of Health

Health Problems

I am not a doctor, but I play one on the Internet. I believe health problems can be divided into two major categories: symptomatic and chronic.

Symptomatic Problems

Symptomatic problems are those that are generally imposed from outside or involve treating specific symptoms. I heard Dr. Weil says that if is his arm was cut off, he would want to be taken to a hospital. This is the realm of conventional and traditional medicine. 

Crutches are a good symbol of symptomatic medicine. For symptomatic problems we want to support our own bodies ability to heal to bring us back to health.

Chronics Problems

Chronic problems are the ones that last for a long time, and can easily be life long. These include heart burn/reflux, chronic fatigue syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. 

If you look for remedies for chronic conditions you will have a hard time finding clear remedies. The problem is that in most cases there is a fundamental problem with our overall health. 

The exact treatment depends upon the individual, but most people respond best to the same things that make us happy and healthy overall: low stress, a good diet (mostly fruits and vegetables), and moderate exercise (like walking). This is in some sense common sense. We might debate the merits of what exactly a good diet is, but these things are subtleties. 

The other good news is that basic health also minimizes symptomatic health issues as well as prevents them. Stress for example makes you more prone to injury. All of these together minimize your chances of cancer and heart attacks.

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